التقرير الأسبوعي لمراكز الأبحاث الاميركية

تاريخ الإضافة الإثنين 22 آب 2011 - 6:22 ص    عدد الزيارات 958    التعليقات 0


ساد الهدوء النسبي انشطة مراكز الفكر والابحاث تزامنا مع قرب انقضاء العطلة الصيفية. وتمحورت التغطية حول عملية الاستطلاع غير الملزم للناخبين الجمهوريين المسجلين، الذي اجري في ولاية ايوا كما جرت العادة، والذي تعتبر نتائجه المبكرة مقياسا ومؤشرا على المزاج الشعبي حول عديد مرشحي الرئاسة. كما ان دخول حاكم ولاية تكساس، ريك بيري، حلبة السباق الرئاسي بعد اجراء الاستطلاع قد طغى على النتائج الاولية التي افرزها قبل يوم واحد.

وسيتناول قسسم التحليل آلية ودلالات الانتخابات الابتدائية في اميركا التي ترمي الى تأجيج الصراع بين المرشحين وتعارض مصالح القوى السياسية المختلفة.
         ففي ابرز تغطيات مراكز الابحاث، تناول مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية
         في الحين الذي رأت مؤسسة هارياج ان الولايات المتحدة تواجه مخاطر متزايدة مصدرها النبض الالكترومغناطيسي والذي ان قدر له الانتشار فوق اجواء الولايات المتحدة فانه سيؤدي الى وضع نهاية للحياة البشرية فيها بين ليلة وضحاها. ومهما كان مصدر الخطر سواء عبر هجوم معاد (كتفجير عبوة نووية فوق الغلاف الجوي) او عبر ظواهر طبيعية (هبوب عاصفة جيومغناطيسية) فمن شأن ذلك التسبب بقطع التيار الكهربائي عن مناطق واسعة من البلاد – بشكل دائم. وبالرغم من التوصيات المقدمة من قبل هيئة النبض الكهرومغناطيسي عامي 2004 و2008، لا يكاد المرء ملاحظة اي تطور لحماية البلاد من هكذا هجوم ونتائجه الكارثية. ويتعين على الولايات المتحدة البدء بالاجراءات لمواجهة الهجوم المذكور – فورا. وبما ان حجم الدمار الكارثي الناشيء عن الهجوم امكن ادراكه منذ عقود، فقد قوبل بجهود غير كافية للحد من تأثيره. ويظهر استطلاع اجري لاعضاء الكونغرس ورسميين آخرين على المستوى المحلي والمركزي والدولي شعور واسع بالرضى الذاتي بدل القيام باجراءات محددة."
         ولم يكن مستغربا على معهد كارنيغي ، الذي يستضيف السفير الاردني السابق لدى
         اما ليبيا، فقد تناولها معهد هدسون آلية الانتخابات الابتدائية (التمهيدية) للرئاسة الاميركية:  
         وقد تناول مركز تعليم سياسة عدم الانتشار برنامج ايران النووي، لناحية قدرته المفترضة لانتاج سلاح نووي خلال بضعة أشهر. وقال "باستطاعة ايران انتاج الكمية الكافية لليورانيوم عالي التخصيب الضروري في تركيبة الاسلحة النووية خلال شهرين الا ان ذلك لا يعني انها ستمضي قدما في ذاك الاتجاه في غضون الشهرين المقبلين. وعلى الارجح، ستسعى ايران الى تعزيز موقفها في السنوات القليلة المقبلة بغرض اختزال الفترة الزمنية التي تخولها الوقوف على اعتاب الخطوة الاخيرة من حيازة اسلحة نووية. كما ومن المرجح ان تستمر ايران في تطوير قدرتها في اجهزة الطرد المركزية وتوسيع مخزونها من اليورانيوم المخصب بنسبة 3.5% و 19.7%. وفي ذات الوقت، قد تستطيع الانتهاء من انتاج مكونات الاسلحة غير النووية. وفي الفترة ما بين اعوام 2012 و 2015 فمن شأن هذا الاسلوب ان يسهم في دفع ايران لاحتلال منصب دولة نووية بحكم الواقع دون انتهاك ضوابط هيئة الطاقة الذرية او القيام بتفجير سلاح نووي. ولدى ايران الخيار في بناء مصنع لتخصيب اجهزة الطرد المركزية بصورة سرية والذي سينتج مادة اليوارنيوم عالي التخصيب مشتقة من اليورانيوم الطبيعي. ان عدم التزام ايران بتعهداتها وضماناتها لهيئة الطاقة الذرية يعني ان مصنعا سريا قد يكون تحت الانشاء او في طور الانتاج. وبالمقارنة مع الباكستان، هناك عاملين رئيسيين للحذر من امتلاك ايران القدرة لانتاج اسلحة نووية. اولا، قد تفقد ايران السيطرة طوعا او لا اراديا على احد الاسلحة النووية او اكثر، والسماح بايصالها سرا لاستخدامها ضد اهداف كتل ابيب او نيويورك. ثانيا، قد تشعر ايران بان اقتناءها للاسلحة النووية قد يصونها من اعمال انتقامية كبرى ولذلك قد تمضي في شن هجمات متعددة لزعزعة الاستقرار في المنطقة واستهداف دول اخرى كالبحرين وحتى السعودية."
         اما معهد واشنطن فقد تناول الوضع المتأزم في سورية. وقال "قد تتحسـس بعض عناصر النظام من تبعات العنف على النظرة الخارجية والولاء الداخلي، وهو شعور قد يسيطر على اكثر نماذج العنف المتهور، مثل شن غارات جوية وقصف بالمدفعية. وبالمحصلة، فان لدى النظام بعض القيود المفروضة لتحد من قدراته في قتل البشر. وبالنسبة للولايات المتحدة ودول اخرى، فان مسلك النظام الدموي ينبغي ان يضاف الى جملة الضغوطات الحالية للتصرف سريعا وبشدة لوقف اراقة الدماء."
         كما تناول مجلس العلاقات الخارجية الاوضاع في سورية، وقال خبير المجلس في الشؤون السورية، اندرو تابلر، "انه بالرغم من اعتراضات المجتمع الدولي مصحوبا بانذار تركيا الصارم بانه يتعين على سورية انهاء حملتها ضد المتظاهرين المستمرة لخمسة أشهر، يمضي الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد قدما في استمرار الهجمات الوحشية في طول البلاد. ان المطلوب لايقاف الاسد هو حملة منسقة من الضغط الدولي، التي تدفع باتجاهها ادارة الرئيس اوباما. وان اية ايماءات يرسلها الاسد نحو الاصلاحات ليست ذات مصداقية بعد الآن، ومناشدة المجتمع الدولي لفرض اجراءات حظر مشددة ضد الصادرات النفطية السورية، التي تشتري منها اوروبا نحو 96%. كما وان السعوديين قلقون لناحية قيام ايران تعزيز دعمها للاسد ضد قوى المعارضة."
         جرت العادة ان
         وبعد انقضاء اقل من 24 ساعة على تلك النتائج، تراجع الاهتمام بفوز باكمان بحكم اعلان حاكم ولاية تكساس، ريك بيري، اليميني ايضا، دخوله حلبة الترشيح للرئاسة وهو الذي فاز بالتغطية الصحافية المميزة بدلا من انشغالها باستطلاع الانتخابات البدائية. وسرعان ما روّجت وسائل الاعلام لبيري وتسويقه على انه المرشح المتقدم على خصومه في الحزب الجمهوري.
         وتجدر الاشارة الى ان الحزب الجمهوري لم يتبنى آلية عقد مؤتمر حزبي على المستوى القومي لاعتماد مرشحه للرئاسة الا متأخرا في عام 1836. وتنحصر عضوية المؤتمر، وصلاحية التصويت، على المندوبين المعتمدين لكافة المستويات الحزبية، من المدينة والمقاطعة وانتهاء بالولاية. وتجري عملية اختيار المندوب بدقة وعناية لضمان تصويته/ا  لمرشح بعينه داخل مؤتمر الحزب؛ مما يسمح لمراكز القوى المختلفة عقد الصفقات المتعددة للتوصل الى مرشح نهائي في وقت مبكر.
         وعند القاء نظرة على طبيعة مراكز القوى المختلفة التي تتحكم بآلية الترشيح، لكلا الحزبين، نجد ما يلي:
                  وهناك تباين في آلية التصويت داخل المؤتمر العام: اذ يعتمد الجمهوريون صيغة "المرشح الرابح يحصد الكل" اي ان كافة اصوات المندوبين عن ولاية محددة سيفوز بها مرشح معين بالرغم من وجود اعتراض لدى بعض المندوبين في دعم مرشح مقترح. وهذه الصيغة تدعم مرشح مراكز القوى بالرغم من توفر مرشحين آخرين قد يتفوقون عليه كفاءة وشعبية، كما جرى مع جون ماكين في انتخابات ولاية فلوريدا عام 2008.
                  استحدثت صيغة "الثلاثاء العظيمة" من قبل الحزب الديموقراطي لاجراء انتخابات ابتدائية موازية في يوم واحد في عدد من الولايات الجنوبية التي انضمت لتلك الآلية. وتسخدم بعض الولايات الاخرى صيغة معدلة عن "الثلاثاء العظيمة،" بهدف دعم مرشح محدد على حساب الآخرين. اذ اقدمت ولاية ميتشيغان على تقديم موعد انتخاباتها الابتدائية لدعم المرشح ميت رومني، الذي شغل والده منصب حاكم ولاية متشيغان في ستينيات القرن المنصرم. ومن المرجح ان يتم اعتماد صيغة مشابهة في ولاية تكساس للدفع بمرشحها الحاكم الحالي ريك بيري الى واجهة السباق.
         وسيشهد العام المقبل اربعة انتخابات ابتدائية للحزب الجمهوري تجري في كل من: ولاية ايوا، ولاية نيوهامبشير، ولاية ساوث كارولينا، وولاية نيفادا؛ والتي ستشكل نتائجها مؤشرا على القضايا القومية ذات الاهتمام العام. ولضمان التزام الولايات الاخرى بتعليماتها، حذرت اللجنة القومية للحزب الجمهوري الولايات باللجوء الى تخفيض عدد مندوبيها الى النصف في حالة عدم امتثالها لتعليمات ومواعيد اللجنة وعقد مؤتمراتها قبل الاول من آذار / مارس المقبل، وفرض عقوبات اخرى ان عقدت تلك الانتخابات قبل الاول من نيسان / ابريل. لكن حقيقة الامر ان كلا اللجنتين للحزبين تغاضت عن تنفيذ تحذيراتهما للولايات في الانتخابات الرئاسية السابقة "للحفاظ على تماسك الحزب."
وضعية الانتخابات الابتدائية للحزب الجمهوري:
         رغم دخول ريك بيري حلبة الترشيح متأخرا عن كافة خصومه، الا ان نتائج استطلاعات الرأي وضعته في مقدمة المرشحين ليتفوق على المرشحيْن الرئيسيين، ميشيل باكمان وميت رومني. اذ حصد بيري في بداية السباق الرئاسي نحو 29% من الاصوات الداعمة مقابل المرتبة الثانية للمرشح ميت رومني الذي حصل على 18% من الاصوات. ويحظى بيري ايضا بدعم نحو ثلث قاعدة الجمهوريين المحافظين والمحافظين بشدة، مما يعزز سمعته كمحافظ متشدد باستطاعته كسب الجزء الاعظم من الجمهور الانتخابي خاصة جمهور "حزب الشاي" شديد المحافظة والتعصب. الامر الذي يؤشر على اعادة اصطفاف القوى بين المراكز المؤثرة داخل الحزب الجمهوري، وسينعكس ايجابا لتدفق الاموال الداعمة لحملة بيري الانتخابية. اما على الصعيد الايديولوجي فمن غير المتوقع ان يطرأ اي تغيير يذكر على آلية اتخاذ القرار السياسي في ظل صعود بيري "المفاجيء،" بل سيدفع باتجاه استمرارية المحافظة على تفوق واولوية الآلة العسكرية والامنية الاميركية وعدم المساس ببرامجها الهائلة ومصادر تمويلها او تعريضها للتخفيضات في السنوات المقبلة.
 Although Michele Bachmann won it, her victory was overwhelmed by the entrance of Texas Governor Rick Perry into the Republican race. This week’s analysis looks at the unique character of the American presidential primary process, which is quite different than that of the general election and reflects the conflicting interests of several political factions.
 They note, “China and Russia stand at the pivot of US-Iranian competition with China leaning toward Iran, and Russia leaning, more gradually, to the West. As major world powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council, both nations are essential to either inhibiting or shielding Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions. Neither China nor Russia is fully committed to either competitor, and both are engaged in a complex balancing act: leveraging support to advance their own positions while at the same minimizing the diplomatic costs of double-dealing. To secure Chinese and Russian support, the US and Iran stress the value of their relationship and the costs of partnership with the other.
 An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) over the United States could end modern life in America overnight. Whether caused by an enemy attack (a nuclear device detonated above the atmosphere) or by a natural phenomenon (a geomagnetic storm), an EMP can cause entire regions of the country to lose electricity—permanently. Despite the EMP Commission’s recommendations in 2004 and 2008, hardly any progress has been made in protecting the country from an EMP attack and its catastrophic results. The U.S. must prepare to deal with an EMP—now. While the ability of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to inflict catastrophic damage on U.S. infrastructure has been a known fact for decades, insufficient efforts have been taken to mitigate the threat. A survey of congressional, federal, state, local, and international measures to deal with the threat reveals more complacency than action.
 They are, “convinced that the population—with all of its ethnic and social classes and their various political and economic aspirations—strongly support the monarch leading that process. But they do expect the process to be more serious and lead to concrete results, rather than go through another experience where promises are left largely unfulfilled. The king seems well aware of the challenge, even as he recognizes that he must counter the many forces actively working against change and for the preservation of the status quo—forces that often come from within the political elite and traditional constituency of the regime.”
 They note, “There is a culture clash here, pitting the extreme autonomy of the volunteers against what seems to have been the top-down culture of the Qaddafi army, and it's not mediated by NCOs, who seem not to exist. I have never met a sergeant from the regular army in the other volunteer brigades, only officers ranking major and above. From the briefing, it is uncertain whether the general knows where Qaddafi's forces are in Sabratha, or where the other forces that are supposed to be converging from different sides are to join up. There is also an issue of numbers. Contrary to the Clausewitzian principle of concentration of forces, the revolutionaries seem to practice maximum dispersal. Some of the rest of the Zwara fighters are already an hour's drive down in Jalat, southwest of Surman in the parched Jafara Valley, close to the rapidly advancing front line. About twenty others are part of a larger force that recaptured Gharian. And some remain at one of two well organized and fairly comfortable camps at schools in Jadu.”
 Speaking of its potential to produce a nuclear weapon in months, the paper notes, “Though Iran could produce the HEU required for a nuclear weapon in just two months that does not mean it will do so in the next two months.  More likely, Iran will spend the next few years improving its position, by further shortening the time it will take it to move the last distance to a nuclear weapons capability.  Iran will most likely continue to expand its centrifuge enrichment capacity and enlarge its stockpiles of 3.5% and 19.7% enriched uranium.  At the same time, it could complete the production of the non-nuclear weapon components.  By 2012 to 2015, this approach will allow Iran to become a de facto nuclear weapon state without ever violating its IAEA safeguards or detonating a nuclear weapon.  Iran also has the option of building a clandestine centrifuge enrichment plant that produces HEU from natural uranium.  Iran’s noncompliance with its IAEA safeguards requirements means that such a clandestine plant could already be under construction or in operation.  By analogy with Pakistan, there are two key reasons to be seriously concerned about Iran gaining a nuclear weapons capability.  First, Iran could either voluntarily or involuntarily lose control of one or more nuclear weapons, allowing them to be delivered covertly against targets such as Tel Aviv or New York.  Second, Iran could feel that its nuclear weapons capability may protect it from major reprisals and therefore it might carry out various destabilizing attacks in the region on countries such as Bahrain or even Saudi Arabia. 
 They conclude, “Some regime elements may be concerned about the effects of violence on external opinion and unit loyalty, with such sentiments possibly reining in the most extravagant forms of violence, such as airstrikes and artillery fire. But effectively, the regime has few limits on its ability to kill people. For the United States and other countries, the regime's murderous behavior should add to existing pressure to act quickly and strongly to stop the bloodshed. “
 Despite objections from the international community, as well as Turkey's stern warning that Syria should end its five-month crackdown on protesters, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad continues to press on with brutal attacks around the country. What's needed to stop Assad is concerted international pressure, which is what the Obama administration is pushing for, says Syria expert Andrew J. Tabler. He says that at this point, any gestures Assad makes toward reform are no longer credible, and the international community should invoke tough sanctions against Syria's oil exports, 96 percent of which are purchased Europe. He also notes that the Saudis, in particular, are concerned about the potential for Iran to increase its backing of Assad against the opposition.
America’s Presidential Primary Process
 This straw poll by Iowa Republicans has no actual impact on who wins the nomination for the Republican Party, but has been an early indicator of which candidate have the best organizational skills. This year’s winner was Michelle Bachmann, the conservative congresswoman from neighboring Minnesota. 
 Texas governor Rick Perry announced he was running for president in South Carolina at the same time Iowans were casting their ballots. The result was that most of the media was covering Perry, not the straw poll. Within a few days, Perry was the leading contender in polls, while the “winner” Bachmann was losing ground.
 While the general election is bound by constitutional limits, the nomination process is guided by the ever changing rules of the different national parties’ organizations and the states. And, those rules have changed dramatically. In fact, 50 years ago, most states didn’t even have presidential primaries.
 But these delegates weren’t chosen by vote, but were picked by a series of conventions starting at a district level and then going to the state and finally to the national level. They were usually uncommitted or committed to a “Favorite Son” of the state. In that way, deals could be made by power brokers to pick the nominee.
 Vice President Hubert Humphrey secured the nomination despite primary victories and other signs of support for Senator Eugene McCarthy, who ran on a strong anti-Vietnam War platform. In response, the party commissioned a committee to make changes to the process. The committee chair was Senator George McGovern, who took advantage of the rules changes to win the presidential nomination in 1972.
 Primaries encourage more participation by average voters, while caucuses bring out the more committed political activists who usually nominate more liberal or conservative candidates. 
 They are:
The National Committees: Ironically, given the usual fighting between Republican and Democrats, it’s ironic that they usually work well together to develop a primary process. One reason is that many states charge the parties for the cost of the primary election, so it is in the parties’ interests to coordinate the primary dates and procedure in order to save money.
 This leaves the RNC, its Rules Committee, and its chairman, Bruce Ash, the major influence in the 2012 presidential primaries.
 It also has an interest in the primary process not harming the party’s chances in the general election. In order to do this, the  complex system has been set up to determine when the primary elections take place, the number of delegates allocated to each state, and if the state can use the “winner take all” method of awarding delegates.
The States: Although the national committees set the rules, it is the states that set the primary dates. And, in most cases, the interests of the states are in conflict with the national committees. Each state wants its primary to receive maximum national attention and the best way is to push it to the front of the primary season.
 A primary receiving national attention will bring an economic boost to the state. In addition, state and county political parties can often raise money by tying their own fund raising events to those of the presidential candidates. In addition, there has been no benefit to holding a late primary since the last contested national convention in 1976.
 In the Democratic Party delegates are selected under proportional representation, which requires a candidate have a minimum of 15% of a state's popular vote to receive delegates. In addition, the Democratic Party may reject any candidate under their bylaws. Each state publishes a Delegate Selection Plan that notes the mechanics of calculating the number of delegates per congressional district, and how votes are transferred from local conventions to the state and national convention.
 And, in 2012, states holding their primaries too early will be forced to use this method, which is less attractive to candidates. Other proportional methods give delegates based in individual results in congressional districts.
 In large states, these attract a lot attention from the national press and major candidates. In many cases they can mean the knockout blow that makes one candidate the all but official nominee. For instance, it was McCain’s win in Florida winner take all primary that all but secured his nomination in 2008.
The Candidates: Although the candidates would like to win quickly so they can focus on the general election, there are problems with a primary season that has most of the elections in the first few weeks and many on the same day. A compressed primary season forces candidates to travel to more states in a given time, invest more in advertising, and maintain larger staffs rather than moving them from state to state as the primary season moves along. This is all very expensive and, except for a frontrunner, they can’t afford it. The result is that the candidate with the most money can easily win before the other candidates can get their message out to the voters.
Other Interests: There are other interests that can impact the timing of a primary. One is the concept of “Super Tuesday,” which was put forward by more conservative Southern Democrats who wanted a more moderate Democratic presidential nominee.  In 1992, Super Tuesday was critical for Clinton’s flagging campaign. And, it sealed Al gore’s win in 2000. 
 In 2008, Michigan pushed its Republican primary up to help Mitt Romney, whose father had been governor there in the 1960s. It was thought that the boost it gave him would help. However, McCain prevailed. 
 These will set the tone for the primary season and allow an outsider to beat the favorite, build up some national exposure, and raise money.
 They will also force proportional results if the state has its primary before April 1. This reduces the temptation of candidates to invest too much time in these states.
 In 2008, several states violated both Democratic and Republican national committee rules and were supposed to be deprived of delegates. In every case, in the interest of party harmony, the rules were not imposed and the full delegations were seated at the national convention.
 The Republican and Democratic national committees have the final say on who it recognizes as delegates. At the same time, it is the states that have the final say on when the elections are held. Given their differing interests, it is logical to assume that the parties will keep making the rules and the states will try to push the limits as much as possible.
The State of the Republican Primary Field
 The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary voters, taken Monday night, finds Perry with 29% support. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who ran unsuccessfully for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, earns 18% of the vote, while Bachmann, the Minnesota congresswoman who won the high-profile Ames Straw Poll in Iowa on Saturday, picks up 13%.  Bounces are expected when a candidate announces, but this is impressive.
 The number of undecided also went up from 9 percent to 16 percent, which means many more voters are reconsidering their choice and may move to Perry. 
 Perry scores highest among men (32%) and women (25%) than any of his competitors.  Ron Paul scores best among young voters by a wide margin (29%), but Perry is the only other candidate in double digits (17%).  Perry wins all of the other age demographics, and he also scores highest among Republicans (29%) and non-Republicans (28%). Perry also wins every income demographic, above the $40K level with 31% or more of the vote.
 If Perry continues to hold a double digit lead over Romney and starts to gain traction against Obama in the horserace polls that are sure to start coming out, it is likely that more Republicans will come on board the Perry bandwagon. That will also mean more money will start coming in for the Texas governor. Although it is still a year until the Republican National Convention, it seems that Perry may have grabbed a spot in the lead for the nomination.
Before the Lights Go Out: A Survey of EMP Preparedness Reveals Significant Shortfalls
By James Carafano - Heritage Foundation
August 15, 2011
In July 1962, a high-altitude nuclear test dubbed Operation Starfish, conducted 400 kilometers above Johnson Island in the Pacific Ocean, first raised widespread concerns over electromagnetic pulses. During the course of the test, the recording instruments continually malfunctioned and affected electrical equipment more than 1,400 kilometers away in Hawaii. The root cause of the problem? An electromagnetic pulse. This discovery led the U.S. military to harden many of the country’s strategic defense systems, such as missile silos, against EMP effects, but little was done to implement measures to protect civilian infrastructure. That practice has remained virtually unchanged despite the ever-increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons and ever-increasing U.S. military and civilian dependence on electricity-based infrastructure.
U.S. and Iranian Strategic Competition
By Anthony Cordesman
Center for Strategic and International Studies
August 11, 2011
US competition with Iran has become the equivalent of a game of three-dimensional chess, but a game where each side can modify at least some of the rules with each move. It is also a game that has been going on for some three decades.  It is clear that it is also a game that is unlikely to be ended by better dialog and mutual understanding, and that Iran’s version of “democracy” is unlikely to change the way it is played in the foreseeable future.
Jordan’s Proposed Constitutional Amendments—A First Step in the Right Direction
By Marwan Muasher
Carnegie Endowment
August 17, 2011
Reactions to Jordan’s proposed constitutional amendments from a committee appointed by King Abdullah II have ranged between two extremes—hailed as a quantum leap forward by some and rejected as merely cosmetic by others. These amendments still have to go through the legislative process before they are adopted, but the proper way to read the amendments and decipher their significance is to understand the wider context. Do they constitute a first step in a much larger roadmap toward total separation of the legislative, judicial, and executive powers? Will they redistribute these powers (strengthening the first two and diluting the third)? Or do they represent the end of the road for Jordan’s political reform process? A clear answer to the questions helps pass judgment on the measures in a more objective and less ideological manner.
The Fight for Sabratha
By Anne Marlowe
Hudson Institute
August 16, 2011
Western Libya—Only about thirty volunteers of the three hundred strong Martyr Wasam Qaliyah Brigade are gathered around former Libyan army general Senussi Mohamed as he outlines the plan for the liberation of the coastal city of Sabratha, about 90 kilometers north from Qaddafi's forces. Crouched in a pleasant pine grove in Jafara Valley, just north of Zintan, they listen intently. This morning, they struck their camp in Jadu, in the western mountains, to join the Sabratha Brigade and volunteers from other cities in what's planned as a big operation for this Lilliputian war, where groups of 100 or 200 barely trained volunteers skirmish in the streets of rundown cities. Sabratha is directly ahead, but the men's main objective is moving westward along the coastline to liberate their coastal hometown of Zwara, a busy port of 47,000 inhabitants, all ethnic Amazigh or Berber. About 100 kilometers west of Tripoli, Zwara is the first town of consequence in Libya as one enters from the Tunisian border, another 65 kilometers west.
Greg Jones Examines Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Iran's Uranium Bomb Option and IAEA Safeguards
By Greg Jones
Nonproliferation Policy Education Center
August 9, 2011
On June 2, 2011, my paper “Out of the Spotlight Iran’s Rate of Enriched Uranium Production Continues to Increase: Centrifuge Enrichment and the IAEA May 24, 2011 Update” was posted on the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center website.  I am the sole author of this paper.  This was the fourteenth paper that I have written on Iran’s nuclear program since early 2008. (See Appendix 1) My prior thirteen papers generated some interest in the specialist community but little in the wider media.  I had little expectation that media interest in the fourteenth paper would be any different from the media interest in my previous papers, but starting on June 6, 2011, there occurred a relative “explosion” of comments on the internet about my paper.  Early comments about my paper contained several incorrect statements.  As the comments multiplied, the misstatements tended to grow as well, since few commentators appeared to have actually read my paper and even fewer attempted to contact me.  I posted some corrections to a few sites but as the comments became numerous, it became clear that attempting to do this site by site was a hopeless endeavor. 
A Willingness to Kill: Repression in Syria
By Jeffrey White
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
August 16, 2011
Policy Watch 1840
The Assad regime's actions against protestors appear to fit the definition of war crimes.
Extreme violence is at the heart of the Assad regime's response to popular protests in Syria. Its use against the population is brutal, systematic, and lethal. The regime is willfully attacking unarmed people with forces, tactics, and weapons meant to be employed on a modern battlefield -- methods that fit the definition of war crimes. Of the resistance efforts targeting the regime, only a small component appears to be armed.
Cranking up Pressure on Syria
Interview of Andrew Tabler
Council on Foreign Relations
August 16, 2011
Washington is doing more behind the scenes. All of this is being driven by the fact that talking to [Assad] about his crackdown is not working. Probably the most recent example of that is Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Damascus last week, where he gave [Assad] yet another message to stop the killing. What we have is the Syrian army continuing to go into major cities and also what appears to be a naval attack on protesters in Latakia, Syria's main port. There's been a convergence in views that Bashar doesn't have a plan to get out of this other than shooting his way out.

ملف الصراع بين ايران..واسرائيل..

 الخميس 18 نيسان 2024 - 5:05 ص

مجموعة السبع تتعهد بالتعاون في مواجهة إيران وروسيا .. الحرة / وكالات – واشنطن.. الاجتماع يأتي بعد… تتمة »

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